Dealing with Frustration at Work

When you are dealing with frustration at work, it’s essential to Manage Yourself First. Imagine this situation: You are in a meeting with important company executives, and your boss takes credit for the work you did on a major project…without mentioning your name. You are angry, naturally, but how do you manage anger at work and still remain professional?

Consider these tips for stress and anger management:

• Say as little as possible in the meeting

• Take some deep breaths

• As soon as possible, take a brisk walk to calm down

• Decide what to say or do and discuss with someone you trust

• If in doubt, take no action

When managing frustration at work, sometimes no action is the best course. Learn a lesson for the next time. Vow to pay attention to how you manage anxiety while dealing with stress, and figure out how to get credit for the good work you do in the future.

Contact to schedule a stress management counseling session at 651.647.1001.